
Sunday, March 27, 2011

Breathe easy, sit back, and relax on your big day

‘Once in a lifetime’, ‘absolutely perfect’, ‘special’… We all want our weddings to be THE bestest, one-of-a-kind, flawless, and perfect (oops did I use that already?) occasion. The perfect gown, the perfect hair, the perfect location, the perfect flowers, the perfect band, the perfect songs, the perfect cake, the perfect ring…on your perfect man. We create so many expectations for ourselves, that now and then we should ask ourselves: Is this really necessary?

Well, I’m referring to the often self-imposed stress, rather than the wedding itself. I believe one’s wedding day should be a day of celebration, fun, and laughter. And tears should only be shed for joy, with precious memories to keep and treasure, yet not over-shadowing a lifetime ahead of happily ever after.

To take the spotlight off the actual wedding day, pre-wedding photography seems like the ideal way to capture the happiness and emotions of getting married.

It was not so long ago that my fiancé and I had decided to venture overseas for our pre-wedding photography shoot. We enjoyed nice cool Spring weather, warm friendly service from the crew, breathtaking scenery en-route, a fantastic album of delightful memories for keeps, and extended the trip into our little pre-wedding honeymoon!

Before you pack your bags and go, there are a few things to take note of:

1. ‘I want to be the most beautiful bride in the world...’ Where are your gowns and dresses coming from – do you source them from your home country, or will the overseas studio provide them? What types of bridal fashion styles are popular there and do they fit with what you are looking for? Imagine not being able to find something you like on the eve of the photoshoot… Korean and Taiwanese tend to go for more soft, romantic looks with chiffon and tulle, while Hong Kongers prefer dramatized outfits (think feathers and bold colours).

I was pleasantly surprised by the quality (excellent workmanship) and range of selection available overseas (including a ballroom gown that looks like my favourite Disney princess’, Cinderella), despite having to deal with some anxiety of not being able to find THE perfect gown before that!

2. ‘I wanted turquoise, not green…’ Communication can become a problem if you don’t speak the local language. Make sure you have a translator, otherwise it could be difficult trying to pin-point what you want exactly.

3. ‘Yes, we want to look like part of Marry Me, Mary…’ Different photographers have different styles and preferences. Some may prefer classic, artistic, or vintage styles, while others may embrace spontaneous, casual, or dynamic looks. Have a chat with your photographer before the shoot and get to know each other a little better. This connection helps to build trust and align expectations so you can set your mind at ease. More importantly, it allows him to draw out the best expressions from you and your fiancĂ© during the shoot.

Apart of photography styles, think about what back-drops you would like to capture – city-scape vs. greenery; modern architecture vs. rustic cottages; sandy beaches vs. hilly mountains… Go with a vendor who can bring you to a location with these varied surroundings and you’ll be spoilt for choices!

4. ‘…but we want to make it personal too…’ Where did you have your first kiss? Where and how did he propose? Any favourite drama or movies you both like? Where are your frequent hang-out spots? Your dream honeymoon location? Anything that has a special meaning to your relationship such as pets, clothes, bicycles, toys, musical instruments etc.? Incorporate these elements into your wedding shoot to tell your love story and make it an even more memorable one.

5. ‘What does the weatherman say?’ Check out the season and weather, especially if the shoots are taking place outdoors. Bring a shawl along if it’s going to be chilly, or sunnies and sunblock lotion for sunny weather. Temperate countries with seasonal changes offer varied scenery – beautiful flowers blooming in Spring give a vibrant and lively feel vs. red maple leaves falling during Autumn offers a charming and enchanting mood. Make sure your wedding co-ordinator has an alternative wet weather plan too!

Now you’re all ready to head off! Just relax, enjoy being pampered, and immerse yourselves in the feeling of love!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend therapy :)

Amidst my hectic travel, I'm glad that I was able to find time and indulge in one of my favourite rituals - a visit to the salon. The pampering, head massage, and overload of fashion magazines is simply therapeutic... Not to mention being able to have a fabulous hairdo right after - kudos to my hair stylist!

I was pleasantly surprised by uncovering a quaint and eclecticly decorated boutique - Lauren Jasmine. Its brightly lit and spacious store first caught my attention. Then as I walked in, I realized that every shelf, every cabinet, and every corner was really nicely decorated - antique violin, quaint weighing scale, vintage photos - reminded me of another of my favourite shop, WoodWould!

I wanted to pick up almost every item I could get my hands on. I was spoilt for choice! The very attentive and pleasant boutique assistant kindly helped me unload and preped them for me to try on. Happy with my selection, I headed to the fitting room - Wow! I want this in my room! (Truth is, I'm already very satisfied with my own walk-in wardrobe...) Pictures here don't do the fitting room justice - go visit the boutique and check it out yourself at Pacific Plaza Level 2! :D

Sunday, March 13, 2011

On the road: What to wear for business travel?

3 flights in 4 days is about as crazy as my travel itinerary gets (come to think about it i've done 7 flights in 6 days including transits too)... i'm only excited about flying if (a) it brings me to an exotic location that I've never been before or (b) it's for vacation :) suddenly it doesn't matter that I'll be cramped up in a 50cm x 50cm space (better in newer planes like A380) for x hours, that food rarely taste yummy (SQ so far has been the most decent), and my tv screen shrinks and has absolutely horrible resolution (i need an iPad). But when it comes to travelling for business (on economy), all I wish is to have Hiro Nakamura's (in Heroes) teleportation power so I can skip this uncomfortable experience.

Sadly, no matter how hard I tried to focus, I still had no reason to exclaim 'Yatta' when I opened my eyes. So I guess I can only try my best to make the flight as comfortable as possible.

1. Breathe well. Select clothes which are fitting, but not too tight. Clothes are that are too tight may restrict movement, and we don't want to look frumpy wearing clothes that are too loose. I usually go for cotton or knits for tops and well-fitted pants for bottoms.

Tip: Knits may be the most comfy but it's also the most static-prone material. Usually it'll go away a while after you land... just don't rub your blankie too much against your knits!

2. Crisp look. Sometimes we have to just hop from airport to client meeting, and don't have much time in between to change. Take care not to crumple your shirt and blazer so you can still maintain your professional image. Flight attendants typically can help with storing of blazer in a closet. For shirts, opt for a wrinkle-free material such as Brooks Brothers non-iron shirts.

3. Accidents happen. I usually avoid whites or light-colours when I travel, in case a newbie flight attendant or clumsy passenger spills something on me. As I try to pack light when I travel, I may not have spares for such incidents. Fingers crossed, so far this has not happened to me yet...

4. Keep warm. A cardigan, pashmina scarf, sweater or jacket comes in handy to keep me warm for napping on the plane. Pick a fashionable-looking one, and it works great as a a chic accessory when you land too!

5. Walk well. I admire women who wear six-inch stilettos and are still able to tow their suitcases and laptop bags in style. I wish I can be one of them, unfortunately my bad knee can't take that much beating so I've taken to flats when I travel. Ballet pumps and loafers go with any outfit.

My fav pair of flats has to be this croc-skin JipiJapa pumps. They have braved through many airports and cities with me, and is looking battered now. :( I got them in Hong Kong and couldn't find the exact replacement when I went back recently...

Apart from dressing, there are other things to take note of as well:
6. Bed tresses? One of my pet peeves of flying is that my hair will look a mess - either so much static has gathered and my fly-ends can't be tamed, or a wrong sitting/sleeping position has led to what look likes a curling-thong misuse. Bring along some hair wax or serum in your hand carry (in allowable amounts), and if all else fails, I'll bun or tie my hair up in a pony tail. Babes with short hair could go for stylish hair clips or hair bands.

7. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize. Can't emphasize this enough. Our body and skin thirsts for moisture when we're at 30,000 feet. Drink loads of water and slap on as much hand cream/moisturizer as possible. Spray mist also offer good relieve to travel fatigue.

8. What did the weatherman say? I once landed in 10 degrees only to have my summer jacket *gasp*. My lifeline was my gal-friend who generously lent me her trench coat and scarf for the week!

So before I master my teleportation skills, I have to make travelling as pleasant as possible. Sometimes it just takes looking out of the window and enjoying the amazing view of the horizon - priceless.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let's pat ourselves on our backs on International Women's Day!

I made a rather amazing (but yet unproven) revelation today - that we could be surer of ourselves at 3 than we are 30. At 3, we were perfectly capable of walking, running, jumping, kicking, punching, dancing, and rolling. At 3, we were perfectly capable of forming full sentences, and had begun to question why the sky is blue and where did I come from. At 3, we were 100% certain of our life goal - to have as much fun as we can and that daddy and mummy loves us.

Well, at 30, we continue jumping and running only to make sure we don't go from a size M to L, and not to get a rude shock one day when we stand on the weighing scale. At 30, we question not how did I get here, but why am I here? At 30, we feel like our life goals are so unattainable and begin wondering if they are even worth pursuing...

So what did these 27 years do to us? What life-changing events could have taken place to create these self-existential questions?

We went to school, found new friends, made some enemies (and frienemies), fell in love, fell out of love, climbed the corporate ladder and probably slipped a few times. The world seems so much more complicated with ambitions, expectations, disappointments, misunderstandings, and jealousy. But is the world really as complicated as we make out of it?

While it’s true that life is not always a bed of roses, I believe there’s some truth in the half-full vs. half-empty glass saying. Many times it's about the perspectives we choose to take, the facts we choose to see, and the realities we choose to believe it. Rather than focusing on the thorns, why not look at the beautiful roses we have in front of us? Rather than looking at what we could have done, why not think about all the things we have done?

Women often don’t give ourselves enough credit for all the roles we play in this day and age. We’re the filial daughter, generous sister, supportive friend, diligent student, responsible employee, loving girlfriend, inspiring leader, thoughtful wife, and amazing mother… We've done so much in our lives that we deserve a peace of mind, be assured of who we are, and embrace ourselves for everything we stand for. The purpose of life is then, simply, to have as much fun as we can...and that daddy and mummy loves us.

So let's prance around like that 3-year old again, applaud ourselves for all our achievements (yes, every single one of them!), and start putting more faith in ourselves. Let the world see your confidence and optimism and fabulo-ism that exudes from within…which will bring the best out of any personal fashion style!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Interview with stylish blogger Pepper Min~: What to wear on your first day of work?

I had the privilege of speaking to one of the most stylish blogger I know - pretty preppy Pepper Min! Let's see what she's wearing for her first day of work tomorrow!

First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on landing yourself a new job! The whole process of job search, resume writing, interviewing, and finally nailing it must be quite time consuming and stressful (well, at least I felt so when I went through it)! So how are you feeling before your first day of work?

I'm feeling all positive about it, though a little nervous. Honestly, I can't wait to start work as it would be something very different from what I had been doing all this while. It's more of a mid-life career switch! haha..

I know you're keeping your new role a secret...but I'm sure your readers are all curious to find out! Without revealing too much details, can you tell me a little bit about it?

Okay, I'm quite sure I won't be revealing that much, hee.. but it's an industry new to me, and at the same time, one which i have been aspiring to be part of! I will be meeting a lot of people daily and the working environment should be relatively comfortable, as compared to what I had in my previous job as a teacher- noisy, stuffy non air-conditioned classrooms! And I doubt there would be much walking around also!

I love how you look so fabulous in almost everything you wear - seems like you can pull off any outfit. *envious* So what ensemble have you prepared for your first day at work?

Thank you, I'm flattered! However stylish you may think it will be, my outfit for the first day of work would be very conservative!! haha.. The last thing I'd want to happen is, reaching the office and finding myself wearing something not appropriate!

A business suit should be the safest bet! A crisp, white collared blouse and a black skirt. I would bring along a blazer just in case!

Wow, you really look professional! Power dressing indeed! Where did you buy these items?

To be honest, I'm clueless when it comes to formal wear. So i got my first set of business wear from G2000, haha.. However, I would make sure the blouse and skirt chosen do not scream "Fresh grad!!!" I like the material of the shirt and its design at the front buttons. It has pinstripes that look a little shiny under sunlight :) I brought the blouse to a tailor to alter it so that it is fitting enough.

Skirt wise, preferably something not too short. It's sometimes very tempting to sport a sexy mini but in order not to send the wrong signal to male colleagues, and worse still, make enemies of jealous female colleagues, it is better to tone down a little... especially on the first day of work. I wouldn't want tongues wagging even before I prove my worth at work! (there are other more subtle ways to flirt! *wink)

Shoes will be quite standard. I would pair it with black stilettos. Definitely not flat shoes / wedges!

How about make up and hair-do? Will you be using your falsies or curling thongs?

As I would be representing my company (in a way), it is important to look professional before my customers/clients. Make-up would be subtle and fresh-looking. The key is looking clean and polished. Strong colours, glittery eyeshadow will be avoided, i don't want to look garnish. A light blush will make me look refreshed.

I would choose a pair of falsies that are so natural that people wouldn't know I'm actually wearing one, haha.. I think if your eyelashes aren't as sparse as mine, mascara will do a better job :) Black Gothic eye make-up is definitely a No-No!

As for my hair, I may consider letting it down because tying it up in a bun and me in a business suit may look a little too intimidating for my customers, ahha. I want to look professional yet approachable too. The fringe will be tamed with a little wax and the rest of my hair tucked behind the ears. As long as the flyaways are taken care of (whether by anti-fizz serum / flat iron), I think hair let down might just work nicely :) A simple hairband is okay to keep hair in place, but no loud, gaudy hair accessories like flowers etc.

What image do you hope project with this outfit?

Oh, I think I just answered this question up there! haha.. maybe I've ranted too much!
Erm, Clean, professional and not trying-too-hard?

UBS recently issued a 43-page dress code for all their employees, while couple of weeks back Microsoft Taiwan fired an employee because her skirt was too short. Do you think these companies' tactics are too tough and stifling on budding fashionistas?

I think it's important for employees to wear appropriately as they represent their company. Anyway, I'm quite sure that employee who was fired had gotten a few warning letters before her company came to that decision.

However, it's easier to comment when I'm not in that situation, haha.. cos I remember myself complaining in school too when my principal said all teachers must tie up their hair / cannot wear sleeveless tops etc.. oh well *shrugs

We always hear this saying, "First impressions count" - unfortunately for both good and bad! Sounds like you're already taking that into consideration by not wanting to send the wrong signal or anger jealous female colleagues! But no matter how hard we try, sometimes we can't help naysayers from speaking ill about others... What do you think is the best way to handle office politics?

I think the best way is to offer a sincere and dazzling smile to anyone in the office! From superiors to even the cleaning aunty! The trick is, to smile genuinely from the heart and nod slightly to acknowledge the person. I don't know how to explain this clearly, haha. but you get the drift.

If being true to others doesn't work, then it's best to ignore the person. Best not to get involved in gossips /grapevines and openly declare it, hee.. Stay neutral?

And what about office romance? Haha, not whether you'll get into it - we know you're happily attached :) What are your thoughts about it, i.e. if you have couple colleagues - approve or no?

I think it's not up to me to approve or not, haha! I would give them my blessings! As long as they don't openly display their affection (PDA), cos it would be so awkward!! And of cos, you can't really help it when ur boss promotes his gf instead just because of their relationship!

What / who inspires your fashion style? Where do you get your fashion inspiration from? How will you infuse this style into your work wardrobe as well?

I am usually inspired by the fashion from Taiwan / Japan. However, for formal wear, it's quite standard.. can't really do much? The only way I can make it better is by tailoring my clothes to flatter my body shape, accessorising with a fashionable bag, bangles or styling my hair differently?

Indeed! The right fit is really one of the key things to any great outfit, and that's what I try to emphasize in my blogs as well! Bags, accessories, and hair are also important aspects to create a professional image. There are many other aspects we can play with too, such as colours, patterns, fabrics, layering etc, to spice up our work wardrobe. Have fun stocking up with new items!

Want to know more about Pepper Min? Check out her blog at!