
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Let's pat ourselves on our backs on International Women's Day!

I made a rather amazing (but yet unproven) revelation today - that we could be surer of ourselves at 3 than we are 30. At 3, we were perfectly capable of walking, running, jumping, kicking, punching, dancing, and rolling. At 3, we were perfectly capable of forming full sentences, and had begun to question why the sky is blue and where did I come from. At 3, we were 100% certain of our life goal - to have as much fun as we can and that daddy and mummy loves us.

Well, at 30, we continue jumping and running only to make sure we don't go from a size M to L, and not to get a rude shock one day when we stand on the weighing scale. At 30, we question not how did I get here, but why am I here? At 30, we feel like our life goals are so unattainable and begin wondering if they are even worth pursuing...

So what did these 27 years do to us? What life-changing events could have taken place to create these self-existential questions?

We went to school, found new friends, made some enemies (and frienemies), fell in love, fell out of love, climbed the corporate ladder and probably slipped a few times. The world seems so much more complicated with ambitions, expectations, disappointments, misunderstandings, and jealousy. But is the world really as complicated as we make out of it?

While it’s true that life is not always a bed of roses, I believe there’s some truth in the half-full vs. half-empty glass saying. Many times it's about the perspectives we choose to take, the facts we choose to see, and the realities we choose to believe it. Rather than focusing on the thorns, why not look at the beautiful roses we have in front of us? Rather than looking at what we could have done, why not think about all the things we have done?

Women often don’t give ourselves enough credit for all the roles we play in this day and age. We’re the filial daughter, generous sister, supportive friend, diligent student, responsible employee, loving girlfriend, inspiring leader, thoughtful wife, and amazing mother… We've done so much in our lives that we deserve a peace of mind, be assured of who we are, and embrace ourselves for everything we stand for. The purpose of life is then, simply, to have as much fun as we can...and that daddy and mummy loves us.

So let's prance around like that 3-year old again, applaud ourselves for all our achievements (yes, every single one of them!), and start putting more faith in ourselves. Let the world see your confidence and optimism and fabulo-ism that exudes from within…which will bring the best out of any personal fashion style!

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