
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Interview with stylish blogger Pepper Min~: What to wear on your first day of work?

I had the privilege of speaking to one of the most stylish blogger I know - pretty preppy Pepper Min! Let's see what she's wearing for her first day of work tomorrow!

First and foremost, CONGRATULATIONS on landing yourself a new job! The whole process of job search, resume writing, interviewing, and finally nailing it must be quite time consuming and stressful (well, at least I felt so when I went through it)! So how are you feeling before your first day of work?

I'm feeling all positive about it, though a little nervous. Honestly, I can't wait to start work as it would be something very different from what I had been doing all this while. It's more of a mid-life career switch! haha..

I know you're keeping your new role a secret...but I'm sure your readers are all curious to find out! Without revealing too much details, can you tell me a little bit about it?

Okay, I'm quite sure I won't be revealing that much, hee.. but it's an industry new to me, and at the same time, one which i have been aspiring to be part of! I will be meeting a lot of people daily and the working environment should be relatively comfortable, as compared to what I had in my previous job as a teacher- noisy, stuffy non air-conditioned classrooms! And I doubt there would be much walking around also!

I love how you look so fabulous in almost everything you wear - seems like you can pull off any outfit. *envious* So what ensemble have you prepared for your first day at work?

Thank you, I'm flattered! However stylish you may think it will be, my outfit for the first day of work would be very conservative!! haha.. The last thing I'd want to happen is, reaching the office and finding myself wearing something not appropriate!

A business suit should be the safest bet! A crisp, white collared blouse and a black skirt. I would bring along a blazer just in case!

Wow, you really look professional! Power dressing indeed! Where did you buy these items?

To be honest, I'm clueless when it comes to formal wear. So i got my first set of business wear from G2000, haha.. However, I would make sure the blouse and skirt chosen do not scream "Fresh grad!!!" I like the material of the shirt and its design at the front buttons. It has pinstripes that look a little shiny under sunlight :) I brought the blouse to a tailor to alter it so that it is fitting enough.

Skirt wise, preferably something not too short. It's sometimes very tempting to sport a sexy mini but in order not to send the wrong signal to male colleagues, and worse still, make enemies of jealous female colleagues, it is better to tone down a little... especially on the first day of work. I wouldn't want tongues wagging even before I prove my worth at work! (there are other more subtle ways to flirt! *wink)

Shoes will be quite standard. I would pair it with black stilettos. Definitely not flat shoes / wedges!

How about make up and hair-do? Will you be using your falsies or curling thongs?

As I would be representing my company (in a way), it is important to look professional before my customers/clients. Make-up would be subtle and fresh-looking. The key is looking clean and polished. Strong colours, glittery eyeshadow will be avoided, i don't want to look garnish. A light blush will make me look refreshed.

I would choose a pair of falsies that are so natural that people wouldn't know I'm actually wearing one, haha.. I think if your eyelashes aren't as sparse as mine, mascara will do a better job :) Black Gothic eye make-up is definitely a No-No!

As for my hair, I may consider letting it down because tying it up in a bun and me in a business suit may look a little too intimidating for my customers, ahha. I want to look professional yet approachable too. The fringe will be tamed with a little wax and the rest of my hair tucked behind the ears. As long as the flyaways are taken care of (whether by anti-fizz serum / flat iron), I think hair let down might just work nicely :) A simple hairband is okay to keep hair in place, but no loud, gaudy hair accessories like flowers etc.

What image do you hope project with this outfit?

Oh, I think I just answered this question up there! haha.. maybe I've ranted too much!
Erm, Clean, professional and not trying-too-hard?

UBS recently issued a 43-page dress code for all their employees, while couple of weeks back Microsoft Taiwan fired an employee because her skirt was too short. Do you think these companies' tactics are too tough and stifling on budding fashionistas?

I think it's important for employees to wear appropriately as they represent their company. Anyway, I'm quite sure that employee who was fired had gotten a few warning letters before her company came to that decision.

However, it's easier to comment when I'm not in that situation, haha.. cos I remember myself complaining in school too when my principal said all teachers must tie up their hair / cannot wear sleeveless tops etc.. oh well *shrugs

We always hear this saying, "First impressions count" - unfortunately for both good and bad! Sounds like you're already taking that into consideration by not wanting to send the wrong signal or anger jealous female colleagues! But no matter how hard we try, sometimes we can't help naysayers from speaking ill about others... What do you think is the best way to handle office politics?

I think the best way is to offer a sincere and dazzling smile to anyone in the office! From superiors to even the cleaning aunty! The trick is, to smile genuinely from the heart and nod slightly to acknowledge the person. I don't know how to explain this clearly, haha. but you get the drift.

If being true to others doesn't work, then it's best to ignore the person. Best not to get involved in gossips /grapevines and openly declare it, hee.. Stay neutral?

And what about office romance? Haha, not whether you'll get into it - we know you're happily attached :) What are your thoughts about it, i.e. if you have couple colleagues - approve or no?

I think it's not up to me to approve or not, haha! I would give them my blessings! As long as they don't openly display their affection (PDA), cos it would be so awkward!! And of cos, you can't really help it when ur boss promotes his gf instead just because of their relationship!

What / who inspires your fashion style? Where do you get your fashion inspiration from? How will you infuse this style into your work wardrobe as well?

I am usually inspired by the fashion from Taiwan / Japan. However, for formal wear, it's quite standard.. can't really do much? The only way I can make it better is by tailoring my clothes to flatter my body shape, accessorising with a fashionable bag, bangles or styling my hair differently?

Indeed! The right fit is really one of the key things to any great outfit, and that's what I try to emphasize in my blogs as well! Bags, accessories, and hair are also important aspects to create a professional image. There are many other aspects we can play with too, such as colours, patterns, fabrics, layering etc, to spice up our work wardrobe. Have fun stocking up with new items!

Want to know more about Pepper Min? Check out her blog at!

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